Note: This website was created by project enthusiasts. The information on the website is collected and compiled based on information from the project community and news. Its main purpose is to help interested parties better understand the project and does not constitute any investment advice. Ensure that you have assessed the risk of accessing external links. Third-party websites have no relation to the Bitget website.



{ "p": "brc-20", "op": "deploy", "tick": "rats", "max": "1000000000000", "lim": "1000000" }

Social media
$RATS Twitter$RATS Telegram$RATS CoinMarketCap$RATS Coingecko$RATS Ordiscan

Buy $RATS via a crypto exchange or wallet

Buy $RATS on Bitget ExchangeBuy $RATS on UniSat

What is $RATS

$RATS is the first animal meme coin concept in BRC-20. The birth of $RATS aims to ridicule the rat warehouse behavior of institutions and reveal their manipulation and harvesting of retail investors.

Today, the $RATS community is turning to a narrative of confrontation with Wall Street capital institutions. Retail investors have launched a challenge to Wall Street institutions, symbolizing the leeks’ resolute resistance to the institutional scythes and expressing their anger at the institutions’ crazy harvesting of retail investors over the years. Retail investors have now awakened, realized the power of unity, and joined forces to fight against the institutions.

Who deployed $RATS and when

Inscription ID:


Deploy By:


Deploy Time:

2023/3/11 01:11:54

Completed Time:

2023/11/5 23:28:35



Inscription Number Start:


Inscription Number End:


Limit per mint:




How to buy $RATS token via exchange

How to buy $RATS token via exchange - Create an exchange account

Create an exchange account

Download the Bitget app or the app of your exchange of choice from the App Store or Google Play store for free. Desktop users can head to, sign up on Bitget with their email address/mobile phone number, and create a strong password to secure their account.

How to buy $RATS token via exchange - Verify your account

Verify your account

Verify your identity by entering your personal information and uploading a valid photo ID. Add a credit/debit card or bank account after verifying your Bitget account.

How to buy $RATS token via exchange - Get some USDT

Get some USDT

Hold USDT in your account to switch to $RATS. If you don't have any USDT, you can buy directly via quick buy with a credit/debit card/bank account, or deposit USDT from your wallet.

How to buy $RATS token via exchange - Switch USDT for $RATS

Switch USDT for $RATS

Go to the spot marketplace, and switch USDT for $RATS.

How to buy BRC-20 inscription token $RATS via wallet

How to buy BRC-20 inscription token $RATS via wallet - Create wallet

Create wallet

Download Unisat or your wallet of choice from the App Store or Google Play store for free. Desktop users can download the Google Chrome extension from Unisat.

How to buy BRC-20 inscription token $RATS via wallet - Get some BTC

Get some BTC

Have BTC in your wallet to switch to $RATS. If you don't have any BTC, you can buy some directly via your Unisat wallet, transfer some from another wallet, or buy some from the Bitget exchange and transfer it to your wallet.

How to buy BRC-20 inscription token $RATS via wallet - Go to Unisat

Go to Unisat

Head to Unisat in Google Chrome. Connect your wallet, search for $RATS, select the appropriate price in the listed column, click to buy, and then provide your sig when Unisat prompts you for a wallet signature.

How to buy BRC-20 inscription token $RATS via wallet - Switch BTC for $RATS

Switch BTC for $RATS

Switch BTC to $RATS. Then, you can view $RATS in "my inscriptions" in Unisat or in your Bitget wallet.

$RATS tokenomics

Token supply


Fair launch, chip dispersion, meme currency gene; The total amount is 1 trillion, 1 million pieces, the cost of each piece is more than 3U.

$RATS tokenomics

$RATS roadmap

$RATS roadmap image 1
In 2024, the market value will reach 5 billion.
$RATS roadmap image 2


Contact $RATS TwitterContact $RATS Telegram


What are BRC-20 tokens?
BRC-20 is an experimental standard that demonstrates that you can create fungible tokens on layer 1 Bitcoin by leveraging ordinal theory and inscriptions.
How are BRC-20 tokens created?
BRC-20 Standard was created in march 2023 by @domodata and the original documentation/white paper can be found here( These tokens are created using JavaScript Object Notion to make ordinal inscriptions on Satoshis, thereby creating tokens with equal value.
How can I buy BRC-20 tokens? Can BRC-20 tokens be bought on centralized exchanges?
Some popular BRC-20 tokens can be bought on centralized exchanges like Bitget, while others – through
How to inscribe BRC-20 tokens?Which are popular platforms that can inscribe BRC-20 tokens ?
You can create and inscribe various types of Bitcoin inscriptions - Bitcoin NFT, BRC-20, etc. at,, or The process is as follows: 1. First, you need to purchase BTC in advance and then deposit BTC into these Bitcoin wallets. 2. Then open the engraving function modules of these platforms in the browser and select the BRC-20 type. 3. You can click the search icon and select BRC-20 to view a list of Bitcoin-based distributed tokens. 4. Select a token being distributed and participate in the minting process. 5. Choose how many times you want to mint tokens. Minting once will ensure you receive a specific number of tokens. Likewise, minting five times will give you five times as much of a specific token. 6. Enter the amount of gas fee. It's important to note that higher gas fees will result in faster transactions. 7. Coin minting is completed.
What’s the difference between BRC-20 and ERC-20 tokens?
The ERC-20 tokens are built on the Ethereum network and follow the ERC-20 token standard deployed using smart contracts. On the other hand, BRC-20 tokens are built on the Bitcoin blockchain and follow the BRC-20 token standard without the need for smart contracts.